Example: BOTH I feel very angry right now, AND I love you.
As I understand it, the importance of verbalizing both halves of this equation, is so that the listener can see a healthy expression of your emotional state, while also feeling secure that your love is not conditional to his or her behavior or the issue at hand…

The Science and Heart of Loss
Kelly and her beloved mom, Mary.
What was supposed to be a time of celebration and a vacation with my parents turned into my worst nightmare. We went to visit my youngest brother in Colorado. Me, newly engaged and feeling on top of the world, and my brother Kevin who had just bought his first house next to a lake, where we were all headed to stay for a week.

How to Ignite Your Feminine Radiance
Julia Shepley is a sex, intimacy, and relationship coach for women. She helps women rid themselves of all beliefs, conditioning, and fears that are holding them back from having the life and relationship of their dreams. Through working with Julia women learn how to have expressed sex, nourishing partnerships, and big-time self-love and confidence.